Optional parameters for selection, search and filtering
less than a minute
The Docusnap365 API supports optional query parameters that can be used to control the content and amount of data returned. The following queries also refer to the endpoint. For readability, this has been omitted from the following queries.
“Select” parameter
With the query parameter “select”, specific properties can be queried. For example, only the properties “id, name, serial” of the hardware list are required as return.
GET /api/v1/subscription/{subscriptionId}/segment/hardware?select=["id","name","serial"]
Global Filter parameter
With the query parameter for Global Filters, the results can be narrowed down according to the filters Tags, Organizations, Domains , Platforms and Sites. The query parameters are “organizations”, “sites”, “domains”, “tags”, “platform”.
GET /api/v1/subscription/{subscriptionId}/segment/hardware?organizations="OrgId"
GET /api/v1/subscription/{subscriptionId}/segment/hardware?organizations="OrgId"&sites="SiteId"