Data Sources Status

Status Information

In the table view of data sources, the “Status” column displays the current state of the data source. The following statuses may occur:

  • Data is up-to-date: The information in the data source is current and reflects the latest circumstances.
  • Being created: The data source is in the process of being built. Necessary data are being collected and structured.
  • Data is outdated: The information in the data source has changed since the last update and is no longer current.
  • No data available: There are no data for the specified data source definition yet.
  • Error during generation: An error occurred during the data generation process, preventing the data from being correctly extracted or saved.


Through the context menu, the selected data source can be refreshed, where both the data source itself and all reports based on it are regenerated. However, data in the source will only be updated if they are considered outdated, for example, after a new inventory or if the user has made their own changes.
